Conformance statement

FHIR version:1.8.0

Resource Type Interactions
Patient read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
birthdate date The patient's date of birth
family string A portion of the family name of the patient
gender token Gender of the patient
id string A patient id
given string A portion of the given name of the patient
identifier token A patient identifier
_summary string Summary for resource
Appointment read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
date date Appointment date/time.
identifier token An Identifier of the Appointment
id string id Generated by Fhir Server
status token The overall status of the appointment
patient reference One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient
_summary string Summary for resource
AppointmentResponse read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
appointment reference The appointment that the response is attached to
identifier token An Identifier in this appointment response
_summary string Summary for resource
Schedule read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
actor reference The individual(HealthcareService, Practitioner, Location, ...) to find a Schedule for
date date Search for Schedule resources that have a period that contains this date specified
identifier token A Schedule Identifier
type token The type of appointments that can be booked into associated slot(s)
_summary string Summary for resource
Slot read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
status token The free/busy status of the appointment
identifier token A Slot Identifier
slot-type token The type of appointments that can be booked into the slot
start date Appointment date/time.
schedule reference The Schedule Resource that we are seeking a slot within
_summary string Summary for resource
Practitioner read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
family string A portion of the family name
gender token Gender of the practitioner
given string A portion of the given name
identifier token A practitioner's Identifier
_summary string Summary for resource
Organization read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
active token Whether the organization's record is active
identifier token Any identifier for the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifier)
name string A portion of the organization's name
partof reference Search all organizations that are part of the given organization
type token A code for the type of organization
_summary string Summary for resource
RelatedPerson read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
gender token Gender of the person
identifier token A patient Identifier
name string A portion of name in any name part
patient reference The patient this person is related to
_summary string Summary for resource
Location read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
identifier token Unique code or number identifying the location to its users
name string A (portion of the) name of the location
status token Searches for locations with a specific kind of status
type token A code for the type of location
_summary string Summary for resource
Device read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
identifier token Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others
location reference A location, where the resource is found
manufacturer string The manufacturer of the device
model string The model of the device
type token The type of the device
_summary string Summary for resource
HealthcareService read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
identifier token External identifiers for this item
name string A portion of the Healthcare service name
servicecategory token Service Category of the Healthcare Service
servicetype token The type of service provided by this healthcare service
_summary string Summary for resource
AuditEvent read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
date date Time when the event occurred on source
agent-name string Human-meaningful name for the agent
entity reference Specific instance of resource
patient reference Direct reference to resource
entity-id token Specific instance of object
_summary string Summary for resource
Provenance read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
patient reference Target Reference(s) (usually version specific)
sigtype token Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)
start date Starting time with inclusive boundary
target reference Target Reference(s) (usually version specific)
userid token Authorization-system identifier for the agent
_summary string Summary for resource
Observation read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
code token The code of the observation type
patient reference The subject that the observation is about (if patient)
performer reference Who performed the observation
status token The status of the observation
category token The classification of the type of observation
_summary string Summary for resource
Condition read vread update patch delete history-instance history-type create search-type
Search Parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Documentation
body-site token Anatomical location, if relevant
clinicalstatus token The clinical status of the condition
code token Code for the condition
subject reference Who has the condition?
identifier token
_summary string Summary for resource

Supported Operations
